Jan 5, 2011

12 years today..

Every day
I lace my boots
as you did
Not a day goes


Hero said...

Where's the like button?

Anonymous said...

He was a great man, understanding husband, father, and friend. Mom & Dad

96NismoZ said...

The Facebook "like (thumbs up)" button? I'll go see if I can add one. I'm not on facebook but I'm curious as to what it does with your acct when you "like" it. Would it post a link on your page????

Anonymous said...

this made me cry, youre absolutely amazing and im soo happy to be your cousin! i love you! -HannaH

96NismoZ said...

I love you too HannaH! I had some free time today and walked over to his monument to pay my respects. It was a very positive feeling!

Now when are you coming over for dinner?!